Inspiring and awakening a global collective of change-makers for the creation of worldwide peace, unity, and joy.

Our Mission

Supporting global change-makers to gain clarity and confidence, equipping them with the awareness and energy to amplify their impact in the world.

Our Team

  • David Lang


  • Matija Squire


  • Ryan Chapin


  • Edlaine Heidman


  • Frank Vervalcke


  • Courtneigh Grundlingh

    South Africa

Find the Right Coach

Whether it be leadership, motivation, wellbeing, business, career, or life coaching, you can find the support you need from one of our professional coaches remotely or in person.


Get personalized coaching, useful worksheets, and practical insights to help you lead confidently and effectively. We specialize in coaching executives and leadership teams.

Performance, Wellness, & Mindset

Take control of your health and wellbeing by making mindful choices every day. Whether it's through regular exercise, balanced nutrition, or stress management, prioritizing self-care can lead to a more vibrant and fulfilling life.


Learn what motivates you and your team to do the best work. Our customized tools will detail preferences and motivations for both individuals and teams.

Our services

  • Wellbeing

  • People & Culture

  • Hyptnotherapy

  • Executive & Leadership

Change Everything!